Wednesday, November 01, 2006


.....that time of year again. Fixed, SS, etc. Saw a dude on a Bianchi CUSS the other day out on a road ride. I followed him for a bit - just to count his RPMs - and to check out the CUSS. He was averaging 128 rpms........but when he speeded up to catch another rider in front of him, he ramped it up to 160! Then, to ease off, he backed down to 130. Looked like fun.....but not sure my legs can turn over quite that quickly........which is all the more reason to go out and do that kind of riding!

Anyway, the recent rain will make this weekend's cross races fun!!

OH - And Leasa......I found the purrrfect saddle for ya:

And to end this silly late-night rambling of a post, I want to let all the Chicoans out there know - this restaurant is way way cool!!! I think it will become a regular hangout for Lori and myself during this next year........well.......we'll have a bit of riding to do in order to eat there......but you know what I mean.