Friday, February 10, 2006

You're a what???

A Type 1 diabetic. Yeah, 3 shots a day.....lots of miles.....and Hammergel make for a diabetic bike racer. After having it for 34 years, I've grown accustomed to it - I mean, after 35,000 shots during your lifetime, you sort of get use to it.

I'll tell ya though - one of the greatest inventions least for Hammergel. When you're out on a long - or short - bike ride and your body has a set amount of insulin in it(like mine - via injections), having a bonk or blood sugar crash can suddenly mean life or death....depending upon the situation. Having that little flask of gel in my jersey pocket has saved my ass more than once. Prior to that, I've gone so far as to look for apple cores on the side of the road to consume in order to raise my blood sugar.....yeah, that's desperate.

But it's all about prevention and blood sugar control. And luckily for me, cycling has also saved my ass more than once. My doc told me it's probably the best thing I can do overall for diabetes control - I mean, besides the injections. And yeah - he told me to stay away from the corndogs and donuts too.

So, anyway, if you see me out on a ride or a race and I suddenly start calling you Eddy and I think the sky has turned green......try to remind me to suck on that flask in my jersey pocket.