Sunday, February 12, 2006

Aaaahhhh......There's nothing like getting up.... 5:30 in the morning to get in 65 miles on the bike. Love it! Luckily, the weather is predicted to be beautiful. Hope it stays this way for awhile.

Okay, now to more serious things - Steve, man, I hope you are okay today. After talking to you yesterday, your spirits sound high, so that was great. The way I like to look at it - as you did yesterday - you had your one crash in a race for this year......hopefully your dues are paid for 2006. It sux, but sometimes in racing you have to deal with boneheads. I'm glad you weren't hurt more seriously - like getting a sheared carbon seatpost punctured through your solar plexus. Ouch!

And a huge congratulations to Maurice! Way to go Dude!!!!