Thursday, August 26, 2010

3 R.A.C.E. Events this week!!!

Just a reminder that we have tonight's Thursday night Aguas Frias 10-Mile Time Trial (and if you go to the Thursday Night Market tonight, stop by the Chico Velo Bike Valet and we will guard your bike while you shop!!!), tomorrow night's Friday night Airport Criterium (all weekday events held at 6pm, with registration opening at 5:40pm!) and the Wheelock Circuit Race this Saturday at 9am - hope to see you out there at one, two or all three events!!:

Saturday, August 28th - Wheelock Circuit Race - 9:00AM - A newer Circuit Race course to try out for 2010! Registration will open at 8:30am at Spring Valley School on Pentz Road (near the intersection of Hwy. 70 - this is the lunch stop for the Wildflower Century). The event, as usual, is FREE! The Start/Finish Line is on Pentz Road - just in front of the school. The Category "A" event will start at 9:00am; the Category "B" event will start at 9:02am; and the Category "C" & "Juniors" event will start at 9:03am. This course is approximately 6.4 miles in length and climbs 400+ feet per lap. The Category "A" and "B" groups will each do 5 laps, for a total of 32 miles and 2,000+ feet of climbing. The Category "C" group will do 3 laps, for a total of 19.2 miles and 1,200 feet of climbing. For a map of this course, please visit:

Again, most
"USA Cycling" rules apply to these races - you know, WEAR YOUR HELMET, don't ride like a nutcase, be safe, and all that good stuff. Water bottle hand-ups will be SOLELY dependent upon volunteers - so, if ya have a volunteer, bring 'em out!! I will bring "some" water out, but not a ton - and won't have any bottles this time, come prepared. A mention about Tri Bars - You can have Tri Bars on your bicycle - BUT, you must NOT use them if you are in a pack or paceline! Normally, in a USA Cycling mass-start race, you would not be allowed to have them on your bicycle - but I know many of us like them on our bicycles and use them for training/triathlons/TTs. This isn't the World Championships - we do these Circuit Races for fun, fitness and practice - but please do NOT use your Tri Bars in a pack/paceline situation. Thanks!! HELMETS ARE MANDATORY!

R.A.C.E. - Rodney's Amateur Cycling Events
Chico, CA